"Andre Schneider"
Andre Schneider etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama
Director: Andre Schneider
Year: Y2012
Country: France, Germany
Language: French
Cast: Laurent Delpit,Andre Schneider,Marc Hodapp,Hanna Schwab

After being separated for three years, Laurent and André discover that their feelings for one another are everything else but dead. After a long weekend together, they decide to give their relationship a second chance.

André et Laurent ont eu une relation stable de dix ans. Puis leur amour s’est doucement éteint. Ils se sont séparés. André est retourné vivre dans son Allemagne natale. Après trois ans de célibat, Laurent rend visite pour la première fois à son ex et débarque à Berlin. Ils s’approchent prudemment l’un de l’autre. Et l’un et l’autre s’aperçoivent avec étonnement qu’un lien les unit encore, que leur amour n’est pas aussi éteint qu’ils le croyaient…

Official: http://www.ledeuxiemecommencement.de/

Genre: Romance, Comedy
Director: Ives-Yuri Garate
Year: Y2010
Country: Germany
Language: German
Cast: Andre Schneider,Hans Hendrik Tros

On a Berlin Summer day, a chance encounter brings together two young men whose lives are in shambles. Alex is coping with a broken heart after his deadbeat boyfriend cheats on him; Leo is a media professional who can no longer hide the truth from his demanding, long-term girlfriend: he's been attracted to men all the while. So begins a summer of love and self-discovery for Alex and Leo. But before they can find bliss with each other, Alex must detach himself from his ex and Leo must unleash his inner lion to convince Alex's oddball clique of friends that he's a worth suitor. Entdecke den Löwen in dir! Keywords: